DAO Governance
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The governance of DAO is joint decision-making through Managers voting, and each Manager can initiate and participate in the voting.
Any Manager can initiate a proposal vote.
To Access: Vote - Create a proposal;
When creating a vote, you can select the desired vote type, including Add manager, Remove manager, Transfer, Super Manager, Management fee pool, Start redemption period
After initiating a proposal, other Managers can participate in the proposal and vote by clicking [Agree] [Disagree] on the voting list and voting details page.
Expiry is the end time of voting. After the voting time is over, no more voting can be done, and the [Agree] and [Disagree] buttons will disappear;
When the voting time is over, the voting is not completed, and the proposal automatically fails to enter the History List.
Member management refers to the addition, removal, and editing of Managers within a DAO. Adding and removing members from a successfully created DAO requires a collective decision by voting.
Add -See above "Join a DAO - Become a Manager"
Remove- Removal by voting.
Edit- The creator of the DAO can make edits to the member names.
Voting allows you to manage asset types and amounts for Super Manager using Uniswap and AAVE.
Uniswap: Authorize the use of Token types and quotas for the exchange of other assets; the Spending limit cannot be higher than the asset balance;
AAVE: Authorize the use of Token type and quota for Supply, Borrow, Repay, and Withdraw; the Spending limit can be higher than the asset balance, and AAVE authorizes an asset first to add the Token to the vault.